Economic research and analyses
of contents
- What is economic research and analysis?
- What are the types of economic analysis?
- Why are economic research and analyses so important?
- What kind of information do economic research and analyses provide?
- When should we carry out economic research and analyses?
- Which techniques do we use in economic research and analyses?
- What kind of economic research and analyses are used?
- Who should use economic research and analysis?
- Our Clients
- Why choose our offer?
- Economic research and analysis – Price list
Economic analyses are concentrated on monitoring processes occurring in the economy. Results of economic research and analyses might be used to underpin strategic decision-making at company level. Economic analysis might include processes occurring in the economy as a whole or focus on some parts of it.
What are the existing types of economic analysis?
Depending on whether we consider economic phenomena affecting economy as a whole, or are focusing on selected economic units, we are talking about macroeconomic or microeconomic analysis.
Macroeconomic analysis
Microeconomic analysis
It encompasses the analysis of processes and phenomena affecting the economy as a whole.
Sample indicators:
- Analysis of the rate of the economic growth and its components
- Analysis of the impact of the foreign investment on the economic growth of the country
- Analysis of demand and supply
- The situation on the labour market, such as the employment rate and the unemployment rate
- The inflation rate
- The size of the interest rate
- The size of the budget deficit
- The public finance sector debt
- Trade balance
- Tax policy
- Demographic situation
- The position of trade unions
- Analysis of the international or the industry context
Analysis is limited to the selected aspect economy, such as a company or a specific industry.
Sample indicators:
- Analysis of the financial outcomes of companies and the factors, which have shaped them
- Competition within the industry
- Cost structure
- The financial structure of the company assets (own and foreign capital)
- Financial condition analysis
- The poignancy that suppliers have on the companies within the industry
- The poignancy that purchasers have on the companies within the industry
- The risk of the emergence of new products
- The risk of the emergence of product substitutes
- The analysis of pricing policies of competitorsThe analysis of the entry barriers on the market
Why are the research and economic analyses so important?
In the constantly changing environment running a business has become more challenging. Political decision, technological development, new trends… all these require constant monitoring. Keeping our fingers on the pulse allows us to stay up to date with the most important indicators which influence business operations. Updating them on a regular basis, we can quickly and easily identify the emerging trends and make the best use of them.
Analysing the long-term changes of the selected factors, we are likely to predict the form that chosen aspects of our economic environment will take in the future. Thanks to it, the company can brace itself for the emerging challenges and take the advantage of new opportunities.
What sort of information does economic research and analysis provide?
It is a mix of knowledge of micro- and macroeconomics, of which the main foundation are economic and financial indicators. It can also include some analysis of the political situation, demographic analysis or analysis of technological development.
When should we carry out economic research and analysis?
Economic research and analyses are essential both at the commencement of business activities, as well as in the course of them. Start of business activities, as well as such point in company’s development as expansion to new markets or launching a new product are always associated with higher risk. Then, economic analysis is the key for adequate planning of the steps in the development.
However, economic analyses are not only useful at this moment. In the constantly changing environment, driven by new trends and technological developments, the ongoing monitoring is more of a necessity of each company, than its choice.
The techniques we use in economic research and analysis
In economic research and analysis, we use the following techniques:
Telephone interview
Online survey
Pen and paper survey
Face to face FGI
Group interviews
FGI on-line
Group interviews
Observation and description
Individual face to face in-depth interviews
Individual online in-depth interviews
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews
Dyads, tryads
Small group interviews
User tests
Product tests, consumer’s assessment
Desk Reserch
Desk research, secondary data analysis
Face-to-face survey on mobile devices
Eye tracking
Biometric research – tracking the eye movement
Face reading
Biometric research – facial expression analysis
Mystery e-mailing
Mystery shopper – testing customer service via email
Mystery calling
Mystery shopper – testing customer service via phone
Mystery shopping
Mystery shopper – testing face-to-face customer service
Project design methods
Design thinking, iterative design
Motion tracking
Motion capture - XSENS, Vicon, Kinect
Auditorium questionnaire
A questionnaire filled in by a specific group being in the same room
Biometric research – analysis of micro expression of facial muscles
Biometric research – brain activity analysis
Biometric research – the galvanic skin response
What methods of economic research and analysis are used?
Economic research and analysis can be widely applied to a variety of business activities. Each research of this kind is focused on learning about different phenomena and processes occurring in analysed area and their assessment.
Both the research problem and analysed indicators are tailored to the needs of each company. The selection is made in the course of consultations between our experts and clients.
Within the framework of economic research and analysis we can carry out, among others:
- The research of the market size for the selected industries
- Economic forecasting
- Research and analysis of the company’s environment
- Research on demand and supply
- Strategies for company development
- Analysis of the risk at country/industry level
Who should use economic research and analysis?
- Anyone who wants to gain market recognition
- Anyone who wants to increase sales
- Anyone who wants to identify market niches
- Anyone who wants to know the latest trends
- Anyone who wants to enter the new markets
- Anyone who wants to launch a new product
- Anyone who wants to elaborate the strategy for company’s development
- Anyone who wants to prepare for the future
- Anyone who wants to gain a competitive advantage
So far, we have had the opportunity to collaborate with a range of companies, whose goal was to obtain accurate economic analysis. The research projects we carried out supported the implementation of the successful strategies, further implementation of company’s plans and gaining new customers.
Why choose our offer?
We have been carrying out economic research and analysis for over 25 years. Owing to the highest quality standards, professionalism and acquired experience, we take great pride in the high indicator of returning clients.
We know how to best obtain information essential for effective strategic planning in a company.
Based on our research and analysis, building a competitive business is much easier.
We will be happy to answer your questions and suggest research methods most suitable for each individual case. We kindly invite you to get familiar with our full offer.
Economic research and analysis - Price list
The economic research and analysis, which we carry out, is customised and tailored to each client’s needs. Therefore, we strongly recommend contacting us, in order to obtain a detailed price list.
It is the research on the processes occurring in the economy; for instance, monitoring the most important macro- and microeconomic factors. Based on the long-term observation of them, we build forecasts.
Economic research and analysis allow to mitigate the risk stemming from working in a constantly changing environment. Using adequate economic analysis, we are likely to predict what selected market elements will be like in the future. Economic analysis provides us with the knowledge about potential periods of growth and crises.
In economic research and analyses, we use a range of methods tailored to the problem and the current needs of the customer.
Yes, we do have a choice of reports with partial or global economic analysis. To get familiar with our portfolio, we kindly invite you to visit our page ready-made reports and industry analyses.
Economic analyses should be carried out on a regular basis. Only then it is possible to come to conclusions on trends, potential chances and threats. We will be happy to suggest the best time intervals.
The cost is discussed individually with each client, as it depends on adapted methodology and scope of research. The prices of ready-made economic analyses are available once you get in touch with our experts.