Fast, impulsive behavior on the one hand, and trust and brand loyalty on the other are the characteristics of the FMCG market. Learning about consumer trends, verifying the path to purchase and determining consumer reactions to communicated content (ads, both in social media and traditional media or store/retail spaces), high competition in the market and rapidly changing products and/or needs prompts constant monitoring of the market and determining customer segments to better target the message and increase sales. Equipped with specialized infrastructure for neuromarketing research, ASM Neuro Lab allows you to check how consumers react to the communicated content – including packaging, advertising communication and websites.
Since 1996, ASM has consistently provided support to producers and distributors of FMCG goods in achieving sales and image goals. We operate using traditional and modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Understand the customer decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Create attractive product packaging
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and predict the future
- Shape employer branding

Dynamic changes in the construction market, construction boom and problems in the sector related to the labor market, access to raw materials, as well as high expectations of increasingly aware customers require from all market participants – manufacturers, developers, distributors, construction companies:
- surveying customer satisfaction in both B2B and B2C areas;
- analyzing market shares and sales volumes;
- protecting the brand and analyzing its perception by market participants, also in the HR area;
- using ready-made market analyses and conducting individual studies.
Since 1996, ASM has been supporting entrepreneurs operating on the construction market in achieving sales and image goals. Since the beginning, it has been consistently ranked first among the companies offering research services for the construction sector.
We carry out research using traditional and modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Get to know the size of the market in your area and the competition
- Understand the customer decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and predict the future
- Shape employer branding

Recent years have shown how quickly consumers “switched” from off-line to on-line shopping. Competition in this market is huge and constantly growing. This is why it is so important to create a friendly environment for customers. UX research conducted using modern neuromarketing methodologies gives specific guidance on how to build such an environment, and thus increases the coverage and attracts customers. The offer itself is one thing, what is important is how it is presented and whether it encourages people to stay on the website. Complementary to research using modern technologies, we also carry out research with traditional techniques to determine, for example, the customer profile.
ASM helps online stores achieve their sales and image goals. We operate using traditional and modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Understand the customer decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Create an attractive and effective for sales e-commerce website
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and predict the future
- Shape employer branding

The pharmaceutical and medical industry is one of those that focuses on marketing activities. This is justified by the needs of patients who become increasingly aware. Changes in the pharmaceutical market are clearly visible – some pharmacies have turned now into supermarkets, where the patient moves around independently. The trend towards convenience also applies to the health sector, and not only within the sales area, but also in terms of e.g., patient service in clinics. In this area, recommendation and feedback plays a very important role.
ASM helps companies producing/distributing drugs/dietary supplements/cosmetics/hygiene products to achieve their image and sales targets.
We operate using traditional and modern data collection and analysis methods and techniques, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Understand the customer decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Create attractive product packaging
- Create an ergonomic and effective sales and image space
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and predict the future
- Shape employer branding

Constant monitoring of the environment, changing needs of customers and end-users, following trends, monitoring prices and competition, commercial activities, brand perception are, apart from assuring high product quality, just the tip of the iceberg that entrepreneurs face to operate on the market as a trustworthy brand. Since 1996, ASM has been supporting entrepreneurs not only in their marketing but also market activities – pointing out trends, forecasts, market shares or assessing planned investments or sales markets.
ASM helps companies producing/distributing industrial products reach B2B and B2C sales goals. Professional assistance from ASM analysts is the assurance of effective marketing and investment activities. We operate using traditional and modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Determine market size
- Monitor the competition
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Create ergonomic workstations and work models
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Shape effective advertising and promotional messages
- Create attractive product packaging
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Develop a brand/product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and forecast the future
- Shape employer branding

The fight against global warming and the devastation of the natural environment forces the entire society to adapt to strict energy consumption and waste management standards. The European Union allocates huge funds to educate the public in this area. New products are becoming popular, such as photovoltaic panels in housing as well as engineering and non-residential construction.
ASM, as a research and development center, has been participating in international programs in the circular economy and energy efficiency since 2004. In addition, it carries out research for service providers in the energy and utilities industry, among which competition is growing.
We will help, among others:
- Obtain funding for co-financed projects
- Evaluate the effects of the project
- Determine the size of the market
- Monitor the competition
- Determine the brand’s position in the market
- Understand the customer decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and satisfaction
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional messages
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a brand/product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and forecast the future
- Shape employer branding

The success of companies in the transport/logistics industry is influenced by many factors, including the creation of strategies and promotions, as well as the management of human resources, warehouse management and B2B and B2C supply chains in the global market. Companies have recently been experiencing staffing problems and struggling with pandemic constraints. In this situation, it is necessary to optimize all processes.
ASM has been involved in helping entrepreneurs in the transport and logistics industry for many years. We are a co-founder of the LODZistics cluster and we conduct marketing research for this market on an ongoing basis.
We will help, among others:
- Determine the size of the market
- Ensure the safety and ergonomics of transportation
- Monitor the competition
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Create a brand/product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and forecast the future
- Shape employer branding

Commitment to the development of science and education has been one of ASM’s strategic goals since its establishment in 1996. Since 2002 we have been involved in international research projects. We carry out research both in a framework of co-funded projects and commercial contracts.
As a research and development center ASM provides support to start-ups, scientific and educational institutes at all levels of education and researchers using traditional as well as modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis. It is ranked 4th among research companies in the public sector.
We will help, among others:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken under EU projects
- Evaluate learning progress
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends
- Shape employer branding
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Learn about customers’ views on the brand
- Learn about the needs of customers
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and customer satisfaction
- Determine the brand’s position in the market

Research in the automotive sector relates not only to the entrepreneurs’ support in marketing activities but also around vehicles’ use and their adaptation to the needs of different target groups. Therefore, apart from the traditional marketing and market research (satisfaction, familiarity, market size, segmentation, image, communication channels, etc.), we offer research on the psychophysical activity of drivers and machine operators.
ASM has been committed to helping entrepreneurs from the automotive industry for many years and performs marketing research for both manufacturers and distributors on an ongoing basis.
We will help, among others:
- Determine the size of the market
- Monitor the competition
- Determine a brand’s position in the market
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Learn about customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and satisfaction
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Create a brand/product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends and forecast the future
- Create employer branding

The market for financial products is highly developed in Poland in terms of banking and accounting services, insurance or payment technologies. A customer in the Polish financial services market is on the one hand very aware and on the other hand very distrustful. Huge competition is constantly raising consumer expectations. Success in such a market therefore requires constant monitoring of the activities of individual market players as well as the experiences and expectations of consumers. It is essential today to use modern and fast technologies and research innovations to get to know your potential customers, create positive experiences with your brand and diversify your offer for target groups.
ASM provides support to the financial sector using traditional and modern data collection and analysis methods and techniques as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Understand customers’ decision-making process
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Learn customers’ needs for financial products
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and satisfaction
- Determine the brand’s position in the market
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Create brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends
- Create employer branding

Agriculture is not only the production of food, but also includes garden and decorative plants and a source of agritourism services. Therefore, each company has its own specificity and requires a tailor-made development strategy. Increasing ethical standards in agriculture and ecology force numerous changes to the production processes and product range. Agricultural enterprises, as key to the global economy, are the beneficiaries of many systemic support programs of EU funds.
ASM has been active in the field of obtaining EU funds since 2002 with great success and twice was awarded the Crystal Brussels Sprout by the National Contact Point for EU Research Programs. It provides support for agriculture in applying for EU funds under national and international programs. In addition, we carry out research for agriculture using traditional and modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Obtain funding for co-financed projects
- Evaluate the effects of ongoing projects
- Know the needs of customers for food products or agritourism services
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Get to know customers’ opinions about the brand
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and satisfaction
- Determine the brand’s position in the market
- Design an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Create brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends
- Create employer branding

Rapidly advancing globalization is causing numerous changes in society, including the evolution of attitudes and needs. Increasingly, society has a bottom-up influence on the decisions of public bodies and the state of the economy. Divisions are growing and new spheres of social exclusion are emerging, mainly in terms of technology, but also in terms of access to cultural acitities. Thant is why monitoring of public sentiment is extremely important.
ASM provides support to the public sector using traditional as well as modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis. It is ranked 4th among public sector research companies.
We will help, among others:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing activities undertaken as part of EU projects
- Learn the opinions and attitudes of various groups of society
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Shape effective advertising and promotional messages
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends
- Create employer branding

The intensive development of technology provides opportunities to capitalize on them and create innovations and market expansion, on the one hand, and on the other, it leaves behind social groups and companies that do not keep up with progress for financial reasons or health constraints.
ASM provides support for entrepreneurs to achieve marketing and design success in digital products. Since 2004, it has participated in the creation of digital technology platforms and the implementation of international ICT projects. We create business models to commercialize digital products in many industries, including for vulnerable groups such as seniors and people in need of care. We have been granted several innovation awards.
We test innovative products using traditional and modern data collection and analysis methods and techniques, as well as our own forecasting methods.
We will help, among others:
- Obtain funding for your project
- Bring a product to market
- Understand the decision-making process of customers
- Get to know customers’ views on the brand
- Learn about customers’ needs for financial products
- Evaluate the quality of customer service and satisfaction
- Determine the brand’s position in the market
- Shape effective advertising and promotional messages
- Implement recommendations and best practices
- Create brand and product strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends

Broadly understood social and socio-economic research for the public sector is becoming a bigger challenge year by year, both for commissioners and contractors of the services in question. Depending on the changing needs of individual government administration entities, local government administration, state research institutes, universities or third sector entities, the area of interest of the public market takes on a wide range of research, ranging from evaluation studies, diagnoses of social and socio-economic phenomena or advanced macroeconomic analyses.
Not only does the subject matter and scope of conducted analyzes change, but they are also often accompanied by changes related to the introduction of new research methods and techniques. In addition to traditional methods of collecting quantitative and qualitative data, biometric research is conducted, e.g., eyetracking, EEG, GSR, face tracking, EMG, motion capture.
ASM provides support to the public sector using traditional, as well as modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis. It is ranked 4th in the ranking of research companies in the public sector.
We will help, among others:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken under EU projects
- Evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Shape an effective advertising and promotional message
- Implement recommendations and good practices
- Create a strategy
- Evaluate the impact of current trends
- Shape employer branding

Single research
and strategic projects
Ready-made reports
and sector analysis
User Centred