“Streaming of Theatre and Arts for old aGe Entertainment”
Duration: 01.03.2016 – 31.08.2018
The STAGE project aims to provide elderly people with an easy and affordable online access to live cultural events (i.e. theatre, operas, museums) worldwide. Being an older person is finally the moment when people can spend more time on activities they might not have enjoyed in the past because of a busy working life. The project’s ambition is to overcome limitations connected to health, economic situation, mobility and accessibility that the elderly often face and through an IT platform allow them to comfortably access cultural events anywhere, at any time improving their quality of leisure and social participation.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the STAGE project:
- Dissemination and communication: ASM leads the project’s dissemination plan, ensuring the project outcomes and developments are communicated across Europe through various channels, such as conferences, meetings, and marketing campaigns.
- Market Analysis: ASM is responsible for conducting market analysis to support the market implementation of the project. This includes identifying stakeholders, analysing market potential, conducting desk research, and developing a stakeholder database.
- Business Model Development: ASM leads the development of the business model and business plan for the STAGE service. Using the insights gathered from the market analysis, ASM creates a business plan based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, ensuring that the STAGE platform is viable for commercial implementation after the project concludes