International projects
EU Framework Programme


"ENCODE – Unveiling emotional dimensions of politics to foster European democracy"
Programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1.06.2024 – 31.05.2027
The ENCODE project, seeks to enhance democratic governance in Europe by examining the role of emotions in political decision-making. The project aims to create positive emotional narratives that address the emotional needs of European citizens. It challenges the traditional view that politics should be purely rational, instead recognizing that emotions are integral to political discourse. ENCODE proposes the concept of "affective pluralisation" to transform political environments by encouraging emotional engagement while maintaining democratic competition. The project investigates how social media amplifies emotions and spreads disinformation, employing advanced methodologies like face-tracking and biometric research to study emotional responses. By understanding the link between emotional responses and the appeal of populist and conspiracy theories, ENCODE aims to develop strategies to mitigate their impact. The project also explores how European identities and values can foster positive emotional responses,
In the ENCODE project, ASM is responsible for several key tasks:
- Project Management and Coordination: Which focuses on project and risk management, quality assurance, data management, and ethics. This involves overseeing the technical, scientific, and administrative coordination of the project, ensuring that the research activities align with ethical guidelines, and managing the collection, storage, and handling of research data.
- Neuroscience research: This task is dedicated to understanding citizen emotional responses through biometric and qualitative research. This includes developing methodologies to elicit emotions, conducting neurobiological measurements, and performing in-depth interviews. The results are synthesized into emotional maps that depict the discrepancies between affects and emotions at the country level.


“Bound to accelerate the roll-out and expansion of Energy Communities and empower consumers as fully-fledged energy market players.”
Programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1.01.2023 – 30.06.2026
COMMUNITAS will promote energy citizenship, enabling citizens to take control of their own path towards sustainability by becoming an active element of the energy markets. The project will deliver a Knowledge Base that will provide users with technical, administrative, and legal information on ECs, streamlining the creation and expansion of this concept. COMMUNITAS will also deliver an innovative set of tools - capitalizing on technologies such as IoT, Blockchain and Cloud Computing - to unlock citizens’ active participation in energy markets and communities (all integrated into an open, digital “one-stop-shop” COMMUNITAS Core Platform (CCP)), allowing EC members to have an aggregated position in the energy markets or explore ancillary services using different energy assets or load profiles of the community.
In the COMMUNITAS project, ASM holds several responsibilities, including:
- Usability and User Experience (UX) Testing: ASM is responsible for conducting usability and UX studies on the tools developed by COMMUNITAS. These studies include evaluating user preferences, ergonomics, interface design, and identifying usability issues through techniques like eye-tracking and post-surveys.
- Social Acceptance Campaigns: ASM plays a role in organizing and managing social acceptance campaigns for the COMMUNITAS solutions. These campaigns aim to educate and promote the project's outcomes across different regions.
- Neuromarketing: ASM performs eye-tracking studies to assess the emotional and cognitive responses of users towards the tools, helping fine-tune the interface design and content arrangement.
- Communication and Dissemination: ASM leads the dissemination strategy for the project, including developing promotional materials, managing social media campaigns, and preparing communication tools like newsletters and videos.


“Multi-hazard low-carbon resilient technologies and multi-scale digital services for a future-proof, sustainable & user-centred built environment.”
Programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1.10.2023 – 30.09.2027
MULTICARE will develop innovative multi-criteria decision-support frameworks and provide plug & play low-carbon resilient technologies for improving the multi-hazard resilience of our built environment in a cost-effective, reliable and sustainable manner. A suite of multi-disciplinary digital services and tools will be developed for multi-hazard resilience assessment, design, operation and management across multiple scales (material, component, building, neighbourhood/district). This will enable stakeholders to make more informed decisions to select materials/solutions and build resilient supply chains, even in case of cultural heritage buildings.
In the MULTICARE project, ASM holds several responsibilities, including:
- Impact Assessment: ASM assesses the social and environmental impacts of the MULTICARE solutions using S-LCA and E-LCA, contributing to the overall evaluation of project success.
- Communication and Dissemination: ASM leads the dissemination strategy for the project, including developing promotional materials, managing social media campaigns, and preparing communication tools like newsletters and videos.
- Living Lab Coordination: ASM leads the establishment of a Living Lab aimed at fostering collaboration among end-users, stakeholders, and scientific communities to co-create and validate MULTICARE solutions.


"Evidence-based market and policy instruments implementation across the EU to increase the demand for energy skills across construction sector value chain"
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 1.06.2020 – 30.11.2022
INSTRUCT intends to create a complete operational framework to increase the number of skilled building professionals and blue collar workers over the whole value chain (both for renovations and new constructions), and offer a set of service to support raising awareness of home and building owners and tenants about the benefits of sustainable energy skills, and the public authorities for the development of new legislative frameworks, e.g. requirements for skilled workers in public procurement.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the INSTRUCT project:
- Project Management and Coordination: ASM is leading the overall management of the project. This includes overseeing the technical, scientific, administrative, and financial aspects to ensure smooth project operations.
- Ethics Requirements: ASM is responsible for ensuring that the project complies with all ethics requirements, including data management and informed consent procedures.
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM leads the dissemination, communication, and stakeholder engagement work package. ASM is developing communication strategies, organizing stakeholder engagement, and managing the project's external communication.
- Coordination of Pilots: ASM coordinates pilot demonstrations in Poland and leads work on partnerships with producers, retailers, and contractors for energy skills recognition.


"Construction phase digital twin model"
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2023
COGITO project introduces a real-time digital representation (twin) of a construction project, using methods to ensure interoperability among the different components and technologies constituting the digital twin ecosystem, following the lean construction principles. COGITO aims to materialise the digitalisation benefits for the construction industry by harmonising Digital Twins with the Building Information Model concept and to establish a digital Construction 4.0 tool-box.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the COGITO project:
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM leads the dissemination, communication, and stakeholder engagement work package. ASM is developing communication strategies, organizing stakeholder engagement, and managing the project's external communication.
- Exploitation and Business Innovation: ASM is responsible for developing exploitation plans and ensuring the project outcomes' sustainability through structured workshops and business innovation strategies.
- Market Analysis: ASM is responsible for conducting overall market analysis, including macro-economic factors, trends and challenges, regulatory aspects or competition analysis.


"Methodology for efficient segmenting innovating SMEs based on lifecycles, represented sectors and regional characteristics"
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 16.12.2017 – 30.06.2020
SMEthod aims to develop an improved methodology for segmenting innovative small and medium-sized enterprises for the purpose of optimizing the support provided to such companies by relevant institutions. Four case studies are being analyzed in detail: Finland, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom; nevertheless, the results of the project will have pan-European application.
The methodology to be developed at SMEthod will take into account a number of relevant factors, such as the life cycle of the company, the sector and region of operations, and the innovation cycle, among others. The project will also develop criteria to more effectively match given types of innovation support to particular segments of companies. In addition, based on the results of the research work, an IT tool will be created to support decision-making in institutions providing support to innovative companies.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the SMETHOD project:
- Project Management: ASM is leading the overall management of the project. This includes overseeing the technical, scientific, administrative, and financial aspects to ensure smooth project operations.
- Development of Methodologies: ASM leads the creation of improved methodologies for segmenting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and assessing innovation support.
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM leads the dissemination and communication activities, planning communication strategies and organizing events to share findings and methodologies.
- Data Collection and Analysis: ASM coordinates quantitative and qualitative data collection and econometric evaluation of innovation policies.
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Ambient Assisted Living Programme


„Share the past, CREATE the future”
Duration: 01.06.2022 – 30.11.2024
The CREATE project will develop a platform, accessible through a web application, that will allow senior citizens above 60 years old to transform their life experience, knowledge and stories into market desired digital products. The platform will be offered to research institutes, museums, municipalities, tourist agencies, students, senior associations, seniors’ families, etc. interested in a certain topic or location or historical event looking for an authentic, alternative and unique sources of information away from mainstream media and search engines.
In the CREATE project, ASM holds several responsibilities, including:
- Project Management and Coordination: ASM leads the overall coordination of the project, ensuring smooth communication between consortium members, handling financial and administrative tasks, and overseeing risk and quality management.
- User Involvement and Analysis: ASM is involved in identifying user needs and analysing user requirements. They ensure that the platform is user-friendly and meets the needs of older adults, a key user group for the project.
- Field Trials: ASM is responsible for preparing and managing the field trials in Poland, which involve recruiting users, training them, and gathering feedback to refine the platform.
- Dissemination and Exploitation: ASM plays a key role in market analysis, exploitation planning, and dissemination of project results. They assist in developing a business model and ensuring the commercial viability of the platform.


"Easierphone - app platform to empower & assist seniors with smartphones"
Duration: 01.04.2021 – 30.09.2023
Easierphone simplifies smartphones. Today’s smartphones are complex, but many users only need a fraction of the functionalities available. The Easierphone app provides a simple, clear home screen and easy to use apps for Android phones. To solve technical problems, Easierphone can be remotely supported by a family member. Optional monitoring of well-being and emergency protocols can provide peace of mind for senior citizens and their families.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the EASIERPHONE project:
- Business Development and Market Analysis: ASM is responsible for co-creating the business plan and market analysis. This includes evaluating the product's potential, developing strategies to reach target markets, and ensuring the commercial viability of the Easierphone app.
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM is responsible for the dissemination of project results and the communication strategy. Work is focused on spreading awareness about the Easierphone app to both end-users and broader stakeholders.
- User Behaviour and Usability Testing: ASM conducts usability tests with neuromarketing techniques, such as eye-tracking, to understand user behaviour and improve product design. This helps refine the user experience based on real-world feedback.


"Social Interactive Care System to support the wellbeing of people living with dementia"
Duration: 01.03.2017 – 28.02.2020
The main objective of Many-Me is to offer patients in different stages of dementia a friendly and enjoyable environment supported by ICT solutions, empowering them to self-manage their condition by engaging and learning from people in a similar situation, make friends and attend support groups, test and adopt routines or techniques that help memory and cognition, undertake enjoyable activities, receive tailored medical advice as well as information which responds to their needs.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the MANY-ME project:
- Business Plan and Market Analysis: ASM is responsible for market analysis and business plan development. This includes evaluating the product's potential, developing strategies to reach target markets, ensuring the commercial viability and development of exploitation plan for the ManyMe system.
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM is responsible for the dissemination of project results and the communication strategy. Work is focused on spreading awareness about the ManyMe system to both end-users and broader stakeholders.


"Streaming of Theatre and Arts for old aGe Entertainment"
Duration: 01.03.2016 – 31.08.2018
The STAGE project aims to provide elderly people with an easy and affordable online access to live cultural events (i.e. theatre, operas, museums) worldwide. Being an older person is finally the moment when people can spend more time on activities they might not have enjoyed in the past because of a busy working life. The project’s ambition is to overcome limitations connected to health, economic situation, mobility and accessibility that the elderly often face and through an IT platform allow them to comfortably access cultural events anywhere, at any time improving their quality of leisure and social participation.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the STAGE project:
- Dissemination and communication: ASM leads the project’s dissemination plan, ensuring the project outcomes and developments are communicated across Europe through various channels, such as conferences, meetings, and marketing campaigns.
- Market Analysis: ASM is responsible for conducting market analysis to support the market implementation of the project. This includes identifying stakeholders, analysing market potential, conducting desk research, and developing a stakeholder database.
- Business Model Development: ASM leads the development of the business model and business plan for the STAGE service. Using the insights gathered from the market analysis, ASM creates a business plan based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, ensuring that the STAGE platform is viable for commercial implementation after the project concludes
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ERASMUS+ Programme


"Cyber security awareness and prevention game for schools"
Duration: 01.04.2021 – 31.03.2023
Project will develop cyber game and the associated teaching and training materials, paths and kits foronline courses on cybersecurity and game application in order to:
- create a motivational learning environment to help secondary school pupils to achieve a tremendous amount of learning needed for them to play the game successfully and later to be responsible users of the digital space;
- deliver teaching methodology that ensures high (>75%) retention of knowledge through engaged learning by doing;
- help students internalize the negative consequences and externalities of their digital actions and reflect on their false sense of invincibility in the digital domain;
- help pupils to develop new skills, i.e. problem solving and creative abilities;
- empower and support teachers to use innovative learning tools while not overburdening the already resource constrained educators;
- support teachers and pupils in discussing and exploring the wider cybersecurity considerations such as international cybersecurity laws and norms, impact of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, and ethical considerations, such as digital citizenship;
- inspire teachers and pupils to become ambassadors of innovative learning by doing and using games in cybersecurity education via high engagement and the snowball model.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the CYBER4SCHOOLS project
- Project Management and Coordination: ASM is responsible for the overall project management and coordination, ensuring the smooth execution of the project's objectives, including managing resources, coordinating between partners, and overseeing the financial aspects of the project.
- Dissemination and Communication: ASM is responsible for the dissemination of project results, organizing conferences and workshops to spread the outcomes of the CYBER4SCHOOLS initiative.
- Game Development and Testing: ASM is leading the testing of the CYBER4SCHOOLS game, including creating the methodological framework and research tools.


"Innovative accessible tourism training through self learning and assessment apps and collaborative platforms for tourism sector operators"
Duration: 01.10.2015 – 30.09.2017
The project will develop a multi-functional self-learning tool in order to allow tourism enterprises, with a particular focus on SMEs, to improve their offer and their marketing activities.
ASM has several key responsibilities in the APPTOURYOU project:
- Digital Learning Methods: ASM is responsible for producing the training kit for the "Blended Training Course for Trainers of Tourism Accessibility Assessments" and contributing to the development of the Massive Open Online Course and mobile app. Its responsibilities includes managing training materials, overseeing the implementation of accessibility assessments, and supporting the project's sustainability through dissemination and feedback activities.
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