In-depth InterviewsIDI
In-depth Interviews (IDIs) can be best described as structured conversations
between two people – the moderator and the respondent.
Such a conversation always focuses on a specific topic, with the primary goal of deepening existing information or acquiring entirely new knowledge about a phenomenon.
IDI research is often used as a complement to quantitative research methods, allowing for exploration of the emotional and motivational mechanisms underlying consumer behaviour.

This technique has a wide range of applications: it is utilized not only in social research but also in evaluation, opinion and attitude research, and consumer research.
Thanks to IDIs, we can relatively quickly obtain detailed information that typically cannot be collected using quantitative methods.
IDIs are particularly important when examining new phenomena (known as exploratory research), as they rely on comprehensive and in-depth analysis. Furthermore, by conducting a “live” conversation, we can explore interesting topics and threads that arise during the interview for the first time, which may not have been anticipated during the script development stage.
The foundation of a well-designed IDI study is a refined interview scenario. This scenario may be more structured (a specific list of questions to be asked of the respondent) or less specific (merely indicating areas for discussion).
In exploratory research, the moderator often has only a list of issues to discuss with the respondent—the conversation and subsequent questions evolve during the interview. Here, the role of the moderator is extremely important, as they delve into interesting topics during the interview or introduce entirely new ones that were not anticipated during the script development stage.
In some cases, it can be beneficial to create a ready-made research scenario—a list of questions prepared for the respondent. This approach is most commonly used in studies where specific goals and research issues have already been established.
By design, the IDI study is conducted face-to-face (direct interview). Before starting the study, the research coordinator recruits individuals who meet the predefined criteria (e.g., people under 20 years old living in Opole). They then arrange an interview with the moderator at a convenient time and place for the participants.
Each interview is either recorded (for transcription purposes)and/or summarized
in a moderator’s note, which highlights the key issues raised during the interview.
If a transcript is produced, it is then codedusing a program
specifically designed for this purpose.
A study conducted using the IDI technique can have various goals and assumptions. Below are examples of the use of IDI interviews in research:
- opinion survey (e.g., customers, as well as residents and project recipients)
- attitude research (e.g., young people’s attitudes toward new products)
- evaluation study (e.g., research involving a group of experts, contractors, beneficiaries)
- consumer research (opinion research on a specific product or service).
The IDI technique is the most widely used in research and can be successfully applied to any project.

To date, we have had the opportunity to work with various institutions and companies interested in acquiring statistics in specific areas. The research conducted was intended to help advance their plans and attract new clients.
Why choose our offer?

We have been conducting social and marketing research since 1996. Thanks to our high-quality standards, professionalism, and extensive experience, we can boast a high rate of returning clients.
We also regularly attract new satisfied customers who benefit from the research we conduct.
As specialists in this field, we deliver better results for the companies we work with.
We would be happy to answer any questions and suggest the most suitable research option for your specific needs. We also invite you to explore our full range of services.
IDI research – our resources

We have modern facilities for conducting in-depth interviews.
Friendly interiors
Acoustic insulation
Experienced researchers

IDI research– our standards
We conduct qualitative research according to the highest standards of the research industry. We are audited annually by the Interviewer Quality Control Program and hold a relevant certificate.
We also possess the international ESOMAR certification.

Badania IDI– our capabilities
individual in-depth interviews
conducted every year
We survey all groups of respondents, including:
- private individuals (consumers of various brands,
- families, inhabitants of urban and rural areas)
- enterprise representatives:
- owners
- management staff
- employees
- public institutions
- State and Provincial Offices
- Local government units
- Educational institutions
- Business environment institutions
- experts
We record and can provide recordings of all interviews.
IDI research – Price list
The research we conduct using IDI techniques aims to gather knowledge that is helpful in formulating and implementing the objectives of a company or institution. Therefore, the studies are tailored to meet our clients’ needs regarding sample size, scope, and subject matter.
Since pricing depends on specific services, we encourage you to contact us for a detailed estimate. We will be happy to answer your questions and provide a quote for the service you are interested in.
IDI studies refer to individual in-depth interviews, which involve a conversation between two people: an experienced moderator who leads the discussion and asks questions, and a participant, who may also be an expert in a particular field. The interview aims to explore specific issues or gain entirely new insights in a given area (expert interviews).
The abbreviation IDI stands for Individual In-Depth Interview.
An IDI interview resembles a conversation between two people on a specific topic, where the moderator plays a crucial role in creating a friendly and trusting atmosphere while encouraging the participant to elaborate on their responses. Such interviews can be conducted face-to-face or remotely (e.g., via phone).
The use of IDI interviews is particularly effective in exploratory research, as well as in consumer research or studies of attitudes and opinions.
Typically, these interviews last from 60 to even 100 minutes.
An undeniable advantage of IDI interviews is that they allow for the collection of information that would be very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain through other techniques. The results gathered from IDI studies can help answer the question “why?”—which distinguishes this technique from other methods used in quantitative research (e.g., CATI).
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